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Posts published in “Spiritual”

God’s Love

The most precious part of this life is the feeling of Love.  Love is the driving force that causes us to know the true meaning of life. 


It is so easy to let others do the heavy lifting.  The desire to delegate that heavy lifting is often what we do in our relationship with God.  If you are to be in a strong relationship with God.  You must work to remain awake as you focus on the teachings of Christ.  You must work at bringing better understanding into your life as well as into the lives of others.  YOU must do the heavy lifting.

There are many who work to take away our relationship with Christ and substitute what they have to offer as a replacement. They try to make you believe that they can be your representative to God.  Many times, they suggest that for just a small donation, that can intercede in your relationship with God in a positive way unloading that burden from you.  No one can remove that burden.  Don’t let these interlopers intercede. Do not be taken in by those who would suggest that only they have the tools.  Don’t believe them when they say they can substitute their prescription for your own efforts to be one with Him.  Do not buy the velcro patch they offer as a badge of honor.

Tactical Battle Field

Each day we enter upon a new spiritual tactical battlefield.  We are constantly being tempted to move outside the framework of life that Jesus provided to us. However, our temptations are nothing compared to the temptations that Jesus faced. Even though He was God, He still was subjected to the weaknesses of the flesh of this world. The devil believed he could cause Jesus to succumb to that frailty.  No matter what he offered of this world, Jesus would not accept the offer. Jesus’ spirit was so strong that he overcame the desire to succumb to His worldly needs but rather stood steadfast in His relationship with His Father.   

Beautiful Rumi Quotes that are Worth Reading

Rumi is the most popular Sufi poet in the world.  While some might turn away because of his religion the words he writes speak directly to the human condition and thus rings true to anyone who reads them.

Rumi’s work is not only deep and intense but also very ethereal. His poetry often stirs emotions that are often hidden within us and show a facet of our own life never seen. This article provides a collection of some beautiful Rumi quotes that are worth reading because, without words such as these, our innate needs would be swamped by our external wants.