Most people don’t realize that there are two NORTH directions. One is the magnetic north where the compass points. Then there is the north where a line that is drawn through the Earth emerges at the very top. This point where all the lines converge represents where the axis on which the Earth turns is located. The lines of Longitude on a globe all converge at that point. This north is referred to as TRUE NORTH.
Posts published in “Personal Life Development”
Survival in the 21st Century
Back in the 1980s, I was asked to write a paper for a telecommunications-based organization’s executive team’s retreat. The purpose of the paper was to help bring clarity to the impact the emerging telecommunications/digital age was going to have on the future. Entitled “Survival in the 21st Century,” this paper looked at the effect of the looming technology of computers and telecommunications and how the new digital age might impact our lives in the future.
When I was writing this book, there was no internet, no email, and no steaming video. We were just beginning to have the ability to dial into bulletin boards through our new high-speed 1200 baud modems. Companies like CompuServe, Prodigy, and AOL were our central hubs into which we could “connect”.
The Information Super-highway
In the past three decades, we have observed remarkable changes in people’s lives worldwide. A pivotal moment in that transformation of our societal landscape transpired in 1954 when the Senate McCarthy hearings were televised directly into every household. These broadcasts provided unfiltered, real-time sound and visual coverage of a congressional hearing. This unmediated live transmission marked a significant shift in how journalism was perceived and how politicians conducted themselves. Unfortunately, much of the resulting impact was not in the best interest of society.
Successful People Know
The world has a remarkable way of making space for individuals whose words and deeds reflect a deep understanding of their needs, a clear sense of direction, and unwavering confidence in their chosen path.
The race is not to the swift nor is the battle to the strong, for the luck of chance happens to everyone and often at times we least expect it.