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Spiritual Warefare – Bon Jovi story

This Music Video is an emotional display of the disparate as well as the home that many people in this country have.  What if this were you?   Every person has the right to –

  • The ability to live without fear for their life                                                                              
  • Be surrounded with  Love                                                                                                         
  • With proper food and water                                                                                                        
  • Have proper health care                                                                                                            
  • Have access to high-quality education                                                                                        
  • Have a strong family that supports them                                                                                      
  • Have a strong community that respects them for who they are
  • Have a support system that allows them to bring positive change into their life

Here are a few ways in which we might work to achieve the above:

  • Ensuring that wealth is not inhibiting the value we place on other’s life.
  • Ensuring that our politicians are truly representing the needs of the people and not their own.
  • Ensuring that the media is unbiased in their reporting – we did it once we can do it again!
  • Ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity for success.  
  • Look beyond race to see people as individuals.
  • Look beyond sexual orientation realizing that everyone is sexual and stop there.
  • Focus on educating not indoctrinating our children.
  • Bring back the profession of teaching and hold quality teachers at the highest level.
  • Realize that government can not legislate morals and ethics and encourage the church community to do better at ensuring a spiritual nature within each person.

Can you think of more?

Why can’t we love each other?  Isn’t it just that simple?

Click Here for the Lyrics to the song Spiritual Warfare

Something Can be Done.  This chart is the total crimes in Camden.  Notice the change.  Do you think that just happened?

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